Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Havn't been blogging for a looooooong time.. its too hard to cope up with college and CA.. not tht i am coping up..hehe.. done with internals today.. n im sooooooooo happy , tired,sleepy and exited..mixed feelings! happy cuz internals are over..tired n sleepy cuz i got up at four today n actually studied!...n exited cuz I'm leaving for burma this Saturday night...Yeyyyyyyy.!!!!!!!!! gonna be awesome fun.. I've been selected for a program called the SEMESTER AT SEA ( Two of us have been selected.. and we'r interport students between two ports (Yangon -Chennai).. wow.. i cant wait till saturday... cant wait till i get onto the Ship and meet the.650 students ...The best part is tht i get to be on my own for a whole 10 DAYS..woha! hehehe...
Hopefully I will have fun..!! :-)


ladyluck3819 said...

yeeep! Congrats!!

Manoj said...

Hope you will enjoy the days and explain me the whole story when u come back....

ankurindia said...
