Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Farewell school days , farewell to you
we leave the class rooms n playground too
nine months of work are through
good bye EWART
all though we love you so
all this exitement and our hearts are sad
for we'r leaving school today

We'l never be able to break the spell
the magic will hold us still
sometimes we may pretend to forget
but ofcourse , we never will
these perfect years perhaps there'l be more
life's only begginin you kno
oh YES its not tht i want to stay
Its jus tht i dont wanna go
we musnt look back
no we musnt look back
wat ever out memories are
we musnt say these are our happiest days
but our happiest days so far

If i start lookin behind me
and begin retracin my tracks
ill remind you to remind me
we said we wouldnt look back
if i let nostalgia blind me
la la la la la la
ill remind you to remind me
we said we wouldnt look back

we've broken our ties
we've said our good byes
there is no more for us to keep
dont turn around
we'r outward bound
we said we wouldnt look back

thts my school farewell song.. miss school .. :'( :-(

Friday, May 05, 2006

havnt written for a long time... right now im in my grandpa's place , chanodh , gujarat... its a really really awesome place ... can see de river narmada frm home... yest daddy came down frm madras.. n i got my ipod too.. yey! it is sooo sooo cooooooool.... tht is my bday(28th april) gift frm e one.. yeah tht reminds me.. havnt written bout my bday ... it was de bestest bday i eva had... al my frnds called in de night at 12... startin frm aafy at 10 45 hehe.. n sandhya at 11 45 n pri at 12 zai at 12 10 n darshu a lil later...sis , mom n dad wished at 12 also.. man! was really special day for me... lotsa ppl called .. m gonna name al of em.. sandy msgd at 12... anup kaka n anisha nitisha called at 5 30 (was fast asleep ) n ba dada called at 6 .. foi n kashyap at 6 30... man! long long list.. lots more to go.. jamu,deepa,shobana,sonal,akansha,easternerd,jagdish uncle, jayanthi,nikku,gaya3,apple,bops, n couple of dads frnds.... my frnds came home.. zai,aafy , darshu n pri had come... we saw a movie...was boooooooorin ..hehe... n den cut cake which dey had got fa me... mom was workin ... dad had gone to colombo... n sis was studyin..lol.. in de eve went to marry brown n got burgers... tht was my SPECIAL DAY...hehe...

yeah im 17 now! ;)